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At ICL, we have been producing high quality crystal optics for use in infrared spectrometers, accessories, and other analytical devices since 1962. We are the only U.S. company that produces KBr crystal, a standard component of infrared spectrometers. In house, we also produce the materials for other vital crystal optics such as KCl, NaCl, AgCl, CdMnTe, and more. We also stock a large variety of spectroscopy optics made from other essentials like CaF2, BaF2, ZnSe, ZnS, Si, BK-7, etc. Rectangular-shaped crystals are available in all of the common sizes frequently used in sealed liquid cells along with many other infrared sampling accessories.
Unit of Measure


Crystal Size

N/A 41 x 23 x 6 mm


N/A AgCl