The ICL Beta Cell Kit is a convenient, low cost, easy to use demountable cell. This cell is used for qualitative analysis of liquids and Nujol mulls. Assembly is accomplished by placing the sample between two crystal windows separated by a spacer into the hexagonal holder and turning the single hexagonal threaded retainer until the cell is sealed.

The Beta Cell Kit uses standard 25mmx4mm crystal windows and spacers. The aperture of the cell is 19mm. The cell comes complete with a back plate, crystal/sample retainer and assorted spacers, but without windows. It is the easiest demountable cell in the spectroscopy market today.   

Unit of Measure

Beta Cell Kit with crystal/sample retainer, cell holder and assorted spacers, without windows
List Price $123.00


Beta Cell only crystal/sample retainer and assorted spacers
List Price $98.10


Beta Cell Holder
List Price $55.10