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The Micro Quik Cell is an economical approach for obtaining qualitative infrared spectra of liquids. The cell consists of a threaded, two-piece body and two 13mm x 1mm silver chloride (AgCl) window discs of a special design. The windows fit into one portion of the cell and the second portion of the cell is then engaged to form a seal.
The AgCl windows measure 13mm diameter x 1mm and each contains a 0.025mm circular depression. The rim of the window is flat and the circumference is beveled to ensure proper sealing. AgCl flows slightly under pressure, permitting a tight seal to be formed. This cell can hold acetone for over one (1) hour without measurable loss.
The 0.025mm circular depression in each window enables the cell pathlength to be varied. The windows can be placed back-to-back for a conventional smear or arranged other ways for a 0.025mm or 0.05mm pathlength.
The cell windows are reusable and stand up well under heavy treatment. However, precautions must be taken to limit exposure to light because prolonged exposure will cause the AgCl to darken.