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ICL’s Port-A-Press™ is the most economical, full-scale, KBr pellet press on the market, and it produces pellets that are as transparent as those made with a 12 ton hydraulic press. It uses a torque wrench to permit the user to apply the same amount of pressure from pellet to pellet thereby facilitating reproducibility of results
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Item #

Item Name

List Price

0012-189 N/A 7 mm Die Set $213.00
0012-191 N/A 4 mm Die Set $242.00
0012-190 N/A 2 mm Die Set $242.00
0012-4706 N/A 10 pack of 7mm Collars/KBr Pellet Mounts $567.00
0012-4607 N/A Sample Holder $179.00
0012-188 N/A KBr Port-A-Press™ Kit $1,091.00
0012-3044 N/A Torque Wrench For Port-A-Press™ $182.00
0012-4459 N/A Socket Of Torque Wrench $57.90