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The Model SL-3 Stainless steel sealed liquid spectrophotometer cell ensures accurate visual alignment of the cell components. These cells never have partially blocked filling ports and they never leak.
Sealed Liquid Spectrophotometer Cells - Model SL-3
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0005A-590W N/A Model SL-3 NaCl Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A NaCl $338.00
0005B-783W N/A Model SL-3 KCl Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KCl $351.00
0005C-777W N/A Model SL-3 KBr Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KBr $365.00
0005D-790W N/A Model SL-3 CaF2 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A CaF2 $553.00
0005E-797W N/A Model SL-3 BaF2 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A BaF2 $675.00
0005F-804W N/A Model SL-3 CsI Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A CSI $1,710.00
0005G-811W N/A Model SL-3 KRS-5 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular(dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KRS-5 QUOTE
0005H-824W N/A Model SL-3 Inf. Qtz. Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular(dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A Infrasil Quartz $661.00
0005I-818W N/A Model SL-3 ZnS Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A ZnS $1,432.00
0005J-839W N/A Model SL-3 ZnSe Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular(dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A ZnSe $1,075.00
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