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The SL-2 was designed for precise analysis of liquids. The cell performs identically to ICL’s SL-3 and SL-4, but requires 32mm x 3mm windows instead of the usual rectangular or hexagonal shaped windows.
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0005A-2899W N/A Model SL-2 NaCl Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A NaCl $375.00
0005B-2906W N/A Model SL-2 KCl Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KCl $399.00
0005C-2913W N/A Model SL-2 KBr Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KBr $415.00
0005D-2920W N/A Model SL-2 CaF2 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A CaF2 $615.00
0005E-2927W N/A Model SL-2 BaF2 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A BaF2 $875.00
0005F-2941W N/A Model SL-2 CsI Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A CSI QUOTE
0005G-2934W N/A Model SL-2 KRS-5 Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular(dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A KRS-5 QUOTE
0005H-4136W N/A Model SL-2 Inf. Qtz. Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A Infrasil Quartz $694.00
0005I-2948W N/A Model SL-2 ZnS Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A ZnS $1,410.00
0005J-2955W N/A Model SL-2 ZnSe Sealed Liquid Cell with rectangular (dispersive) aperture N/A 0.015 mm0.025 mm0.05 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.5 mm1.0 mm N/A Rectangular Aperture - Dispersive N/A ZnSe $1,350.00
Showing 10 of 22