This new single reflection Horizontal ATR has the highest energy throughput of any ATR accessory on the market today.The energy throughput exceeds 85% and is made possible by coating the ZnSe prism with an efficient broadband anti-reflective coating and by the single reflection prism design. Samples are easy to deposit on the top surface of the ZnSe prism which is mounted horizontally in a stainless steel top plate which is easy to clean. The High Energy HATR enables qualitative andmore quantitative sampling of most routine samples, such as pastes, liquids and flexible solids. The accessory incorporates Constant Purge™ for uninterrupted system purge. Crystals are easily removed for cleaning and reconditioning. A pressure applicator is included for solid samples. Has 45° specular reflection stage.
Available options include a trough plate, a flow through liquid cell, a temperature controlled liquid cell and a reactor. The reactor is heatable to 250° C and can be pressurized to 800 psi. ZnS and Ge crystal prisms are also available as an option. less