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The Model HC2930 is a fixed wavelength IR spectrophotometer designed to perform repetitive quantitative analysis of total hydrocarbons dissolved in non-absorbing solvent. Both volatile and nonvolatile oily samples can be analyzed using EPA methods 413.2 and 418.1. The instrument accommodates standard IR Grade cuvettes and holders (see Hydrocarbon Test Kit) of up to 100mm. Using a 100mm cell in the concentration expansion mode permits analysis of hydrocarbon levels as low as 0.05 ppm.
IR Spectrophotometer Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Unit of Measure
Items squarecuvetteholder
Square Cuvette Holder
List Price $201.00
IR Spectrophotometer Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Oil in Water Analyzer Model HC 2930
List Price $12,600.00
IR Spectrophotometer Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Spare Drive Belt for Oil in Water Analyzer
List Price $113.00
IR Spectrophotometer Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Oil in Water Analyzer Model HC 2930 with Hydrocarbon Test Kit
List Price $14,000.00
IR Spectrophotometer Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Special Vessel Cell for Freon Free (Hexane) method, EPA 1664 to be used with Oil-in-Water Analyzer
List Price $304.00
Lightpath N/A 10 mm N/A N/A N/A N/A